Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Just Because We're Magic Doesn't Mean We're Not Real

I grew up in a household that was very pro black. My mother and father always instilled the ideals of being proud of both who I am and where I'm from. So needless to say I am super happy about this #BlackGirlMagic movement that has been catching on in the last couple of years. Last October I cut my hair for the first time in ten years. It was a very fundamental moment in my personal growth because in a world where European standards of beauty prevail, me cutting my hair and wearing it natural showed that Black is beautiful too. For me going natural was as much for the health of my hair as it was for a change in style. So as a newby in the movement I was super excited when I came across this shirt at the African Fest a couple weeks ago.

I think as a black woman becoming more and more self aware it's essential to show different examples of what black women are and what we stand for. The media paints us in either a negative light or makes us all stereotyped carbon copies. People are multidimensional beings. Through this blog I hope to show all sides of myself, in hopes that my non-black friends and readers can better understand campaigns like the #BlackLivesMatter and #BlackGirlMagic and realize they're more than a hashtag. So that we as black people can be re-humanized instead of fetishized, generalized and mocked through cultural appropriation. Please understand just because we're magic doesn't mean we're not real.

Earrings & Tshirt - African Festival, Leggings - Torrid, Boots - Target

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